Code Enforcement

City Municipal Complex, 800 Bee Street Princeton, WV 24740


Special Details

Important Dates

Ty Smith, Code Enforcement Director

Ty Smith

Code Enforcement Director, Building Inspector, Zoning Official

Info & Hours

City Municipal Complex, 800 Bee Street Princeton, WV 24740

8:00 AM to 4:30 PM—Monday through Friday

Tyler Myers

Rental Compliance/Property Maintenance

Alex Ellison

Certified Floodplain Manager and Property Maintenance Inspector

Mission Statement

To promote building safety, protect property values, and promote the public welfare through code enforcement, animal control, and flood plain management.

Purpose & Function

The City of Princeton Code Enforcement Department enforces all city codes covering everything from A to Z, Animal Control to Zoning and everything in between. Code Enforcement is the main way the City conserves the natural habitat of the region. Through a combination of zoning enforcement, animal control, and floodplain management, these actions minimize residential impact on wildlife while simultaneously protecting the quality of life of those who live within Princeton’s jurisdiction.

Department Services

The Code Enforcement Department receives requests from any community member to respond to code enforcement-related matters within Princeton city limits. Use the Princeton Citizen Portal to submit requests to the Code Enforcement Department and view existing requests.

The Code Enforcement Department demolishes buildings that are a threat to the public. Contact us for more information about building demolition.

Learn more about maps and zoning in the City of Princeton.

Reports & Documents

Any reports or documents applicable to this department will appear here. This section may not contain information.

In order to remain transparent with our constituents and citizens, we are including information about fee schedules, fines, reports, and any other documents, if applicable to this department.