2024–2034 Comprehensive Plan
The City of Princeton has a codified responsibility to provide a plan for publication every ten years that details the general efforts of municipal leadership to serve the residents, business owners, and community of its jurisdiction. This plan is only a broad description of what the City may do in this timeframe with the proposed services and projects detailed herein representing a general direction of administrative leadership; these areas are subject to change in a narrow sense with substantive additions mirroring approved future additions to this plan.
As businesses create business plans to direct spending and labor efforts, comprehensive plans similarly drive the direction of local governments as a benefit for elected officials and constituents within these jurisdictions. The benefit to elected officials is that they can reflect on the approved plans of previous leaders to determine future decisions. This also serves as a general gauge for constituents to understand the intent of their local governments to meet their general needs. In Princeton, our City leadership will take the impact of our comprehensive plan seriously, and we will use its contents as a roadmap to guide objectives over the next ten years. The plan will be available both at Princeton City Municipal Complex and the Mercer County Courthouse for any Princeton resident or interested party to review and provide feedback. This is not a static document but rather a fluid text that can be changed by City leadership as the public deems necessary.
As codified by state law, the Princeton Planning Commission is the municipal agency tasked with making an advisory recommendation to the Princeton Common Council as to what will be included in the 2023-2033 comprehensive plan. The Princeton Planning Commission is a public body that consists of the following twelve members at the time of writing this plan: John Hickman (President), Vic Allen (Vice President), Dan Crutchfield, Anthony Brown, Jim Hilling, JoAnna Fredeking, Bob Lohr, David Graham (Mayor), Mike Webb (City Manager), Marshall Lytton (Councilman), Dewey Russell (Councilman), and a Mercer County Planning Commission Representative.
The members of the Princeton Common Council who will review the Princeton Planning Commission’s recommendation include the following individuals at the time of writing: David Graham (Mayor), Joseph Allen (Vice Mayor), James Hawkins, Jacqueline Rucker, James Hill, Marshall Lytton, and Dewey Russell.
The contents of this plan were determined through a combination of input from both City officials and the public.
Former 2014–2024 Comprehensive Plan
View and download the former comprehensive plan that guided the City of Princeton from 2014 to the beginning of 2024.