Zoning governs the use of land within the City of Princeton’s jurisdiction. The several zoning districts of the City include R-1 Residential, R-2 Residential, R-3 Residential, C-1 Commercial, C-2 Commercial, C-R Commercial-Residential, O-I Office & Institutional, and Industrial; these zones are described in detail in the zoning map below. Each of these zones are present within the municipality in varying size and design. The City Zoning Official upholds these established zones through a permit and inspection process outlined in municipal code.
Zones in Princeton
Zoning is a regulatory tool used by the Code Enforcement Department to govern how property within the City’s jurisdiction can and cannot be used. The various zones include Industrial, Residential 1, Residential 2, Residential 3, Commercial 1, Commercial 2, Commercial Residential, and Office Institutional. These areas were mapped by the Princeton Planning Commission and are upheld by the Princeton Zoning Board. Each zone within Princeton has its own characteristics that are unique to that area. If an inhabitant or commercial tenant intends to occupy a particular zone, they can without consideration if their use falls within that zone’s use; otherwise, their use is subject to review by the Princeton Zoning Board.
Each of these zones is present within the City of Princeton, WV in varying size and design. The City Zoning Official upholds these established zones through a permit and inspection process outlined in municipal code. Due to the nature of the Zoning Official’s administrative responsibilities, they do not have the power to change these zones. Rather, that falls within the purview of Princeton City Council through passed ordinances.
Code Enforcement
Contact City of Princeton Code Enforcement for more information.
Alternatively, contact a staff member within the Department of Code Enforcement for a specific request.
City Municipal Complex
800 Bee Street Princeton, WV 24740