(Reconvened Regular Meeting of June 11, 2018) June 13, 2018
The June 11, 2018, Recessed Meeting of the Common Council of the City of Princeton, Mercer County, West Virginia, reconvened in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building on Wednesday, June 13, 2018, at 1:00 p.m. In attendance were Mayor David Graham; Council Members Marshall Lytton, Dewey Russell, James Harvey and James Hill; City Attorney Paul Cassell, City Manager Michael Webb and City Clerk Kenneth Clay. Absent were Council Members Timothy Ealy and Jacqueline Rucker. A quorum was constituted thereby.
The purpose of the Recessed Meeting was to receive, log in and open the bids for the construction of Phase I, the interior build out of the Administrative Section of the Municipal Complex Project.
Mayor David Graham called the meeting to order.
Municipal Complex Project Architect Todd Boggess, of E. T.Boggess, Architects, reported to City Council that two bids had been received from contractors for the build out of the Administrative Offices for the Municipal Complex Project. He expressed disappointment that more bids had not been submitted.
Mr. Boggess read the bids that reflected the following:
Alternate B
Alternate AÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Wood Veneer
Contractor            Base Bid             Days            Light Fixtures             Panels    .
Danhill Construct.   $1,301,800              180                  $15,400                   $12,365 Swope Construct.                                $1,225,000              150                   $15,000                   $12,000
After announcing the bid results, Mr. Boggess explained that he would evaluate the bids in detail and report back to City Council. Also, Mr. Boggess requested authorization to meet with the low bidder, Swope Construction, to see if any cost savings might be realized that would reduce the cost to the City and answer any questions they might have in regard to the project.
Mayor Graham replied that it would be good for Mr. Boggess to clarify any gray areas with the low bidder. Doing so could work in the City’s favor, the Mayor added.
Scope of the Work
Mr. Boggess presented a summary of the scope of the work on the Administrative
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Section of the Project by describing much of the work as minor upgrades. These improvements include the construction of a new reception area with security measures, the addition of Council Chambers, additional offices, meeting rooms, and the construction of a wall to separate the administrative offices from the adjacent City departments.
A discussion followed as to the most propitious date for City Council to meet and take final action on the bids. Mayor Graham recommended the date of July 2, 2018, at 12:00 p.m., during City Council’s previously scheduled Special Meeting to organize Council for its 2018 – 2019 Term. This date was approved by a consensus of all the Council Members present.
The City Clerk advised he would add final action on the aforementioned bids to the required legal notice for publication in the Bluefield Daily Telegraph and Princeton Times newspapers.
MOTION: James Hill moved City Council authorize Architect Todd Boggess to meet with representatives of Swope Construction to clarify any outstanding issues identified by Mr. Boggess during a review of the bid documents.
Marshall Lytton duly seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business, on motion, the Recessed City Council Meeting of June 11, 2018, adjourned at 1:15 p.m. on June 13, 2018.